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file data //:designer´s showroom & playground.markus speck |
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back in cali
Los Angeles, california, jan 2016 ...see [more] showcar sketches @ spex minga, germany, dec 2012 ...see [more] recharge 2012.2 | scandinavia tour denmark, sweden, norway august 2012 recharge 2012.1 | cote d´azur italy, monaco, france june 2012 updated: publications minga, germany, march 2012 ...see [more] recharge 2012.0 | maui hawaii, usa, january 2012 ...see [more] back in the usa | business trip to california los angeles, usa, january 2012 out now | showcar released frankfurt, germany, july 2011 ...see [more] recharge 1.0 | sardinia italy, august 2010 speeches | active inspiration brunswick, germany, july 2010 ...see [more] special task force | taping in beijing beijing, china, april 2010 ...see [more] more | showcar sketches released @ interiormotives.magazine, spring 2010 ...see [sketches] showcar sketches @ simkom.com worldwideweb, end of 2009 ...see [more] fresh | `der berg ruft´-tour zell am see, austria, december 2009 funky | sketchbattle minga, october 2009 ...see [more] new sketch | need for more airships munich, october 2009 ...see [more] out now | bmw vision showcar munich, august 2009 ...see [more] quick`n dirty | doodledoodle munich, march 2009 ...see [more] finally | released fashion sketches munich, october 2008 ...see [more] that´s design | fieldtrip to milano, italy europe, april 2008 ...see [more] time out in como/ milano, italy europe, march 2008 first time in geneva, switzerland europe, march 2008 ...see [more] sketchwall | sorry.still in process europe, march 2008 update! finally, I got a few sketches for you here ...on my new "sketchwall", minga, feb 2008 ...see [more] out now! bacon.fashion at tokyo´s autoshow, japan, oct 2007 ...see [more] moviestar : `design process´ movie lauchned in the "bmw welt" take a look ´n get an impression of "our" design world munich, europe, october 2007 excursion to croatia europe, august 2007 fieldtrip to milano europe, april 2007 great diplom showndown at university of art braunschweig, europe, april 2007 ...see [more] fieldtrip to barcelona europe, january 2007 ...see [more] digital sketch workshop university of art braunschweig, germany, january 2007 ...see [more] start working in munich at bmw´s design studio, germany, europe, august 2006 degree show 2006 [rundgang 2006], university of art, braunschweig, germany july 2006 ...see [more] diploma project it´s done, april 2006 BMW Group, munich, europe [more] diploma project the "final journey" will begin, october 2005 at BMW design studio, munich, germany amazing transportation design exhibition in context of the annual "rundgang", university of art, braunschweig, july 2005 [more] internship extension and upgrade; after 5 1/2 months transportation design [downstairs], finally for additional 3 months automotive design [upstairs], february 2005 ...[more] internship at BMW/designworksUSA studio, california, september 2004 schwimmwagen_exterieur preview in the context of transportation design show 2004, july 21-25 2004 at school of art braunschweig, germany [more] |
01 | projects | |||
project i: showcar iaa 2011 vision: showcar iaa 2009 case study.urban jungle car airmotion ...and [more] |
02 | links | |||
publications shipmates, inspiration ...and [more] |
03 | contact mail mark_bacon@gmx.de | |||
04 | about //:european design [54°N-10°E] |
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:: updated 03|2012 ::